Raw-vegan sau cum sa traiesti cu hrana cruda

Raw-vegan sau cum sa traiesti cu hrana cruda

by October 27, 2010 5 comments

Pentru majoritatea dintre noi, a consuma doar mancare cruda e sinonim cu SF-ul. Adeptii raw-vegan spun insa ca reprezinta sanatate curata. In Romania prinde contur un stil de viata relativ nou, bazat pe alimentatie naturala, neprocesata termic. Exista forumuri si bloguri ce promoveaza veganismul de tip crud (raw-vegan, in varianta originala), care inseamna consum de hrana vie, adica fructe, legume, seminte, nuci, alune, cereale, alge marine, uleiuri obtinute natural. vezi Evz

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  1. Evita Baizer
    #1 Evita Baizer 6 April, 2011, 00:05

    I actually without doubt must think far more in that course to see what i can do regarding this.

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  2. Kalyn Ono
    #2 Kalyn Ono 9 April, 2011, 02:21

    That appears to be good although i’m still not so certain that I like it. Regardless will look even more into it and decide for myself! 🙂

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  3. Senaida Gonska
    #3 Senaida Gonska 10 April, 2011, 13:32

    I seemed to be aware of this previously, nevertheless there are a few helpful bits which finished the picture to me, many thanks!

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  4. Mendy Guinyard
    #4 Mendy Guinyard 14 April, 2011, 04:33

    My spouse and i without doubt must think a lot more in that area and find out what i can do regarding it.

    Reply this comment
  5. Jenelle Deonarian
    #5 Jenelle Deonarian 16 April, 2011, 03:33

    I seemed to be aware of this previously, nevertheless there was clearly several helpful pieces that concluded the picture for me, thanks!

    Reply this comment

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