Deputatul Costica Mazilu si politica banilor de la stat

Deputatul Costica Mazilu si politica banilor de la stat

by February 14, 2011 4 comments

Dintre cei 72 de parlamentari care fac afaceri cu statul, cel mai relevant caz este cel al deputatului UNPR Constantin Mazilu. De cand a devenit parlamentar PSD, firma deputatului Constantin Mazilu a castigat licitatii organizate de colegii de partid. Urcat apoi in barca Puterii, au aparut contractele cu Guvernul.vezi Adevarul

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  1. Merna Bottemiller
    #1 Merna Bottemiller 7 April, 2011, 03:31

    That may seem decent however , i’m still not too certain that I prefer it. Nevertheless will look more into it and choose personally! 🙂

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  2. Marva Bandemer
    #2 Marva Bandemer 13 April, 2011, 06:00

    That looks very good yet i am just still not so sure that I prefer it. In any case will look a lot more into it and decide personally! 🙂

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  3. Enedina Karney
    #3 Enedina Karney 14 April, 2011, 01:07

    Well, it’s fine, but what about the other options we’ve got here? Would you mind crafting a further post regarding them too? Thx!

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  4. Dagmar Obryon
    #4 Dagmar Obryon 16 April, 2011, 03:31

    All right, that’s a good start but i’m going to check into that a tiny bit more. Will let you know exactly what else i have found.

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