Constanta: Un italian si-a injunghiat sotia romanca si s-a aruncat de la etaj cu un copil in brate

Constanta: Un italian si-a injunghiat sotia romanca si s-a aruncat de la etaj cu un copil in brate

by January 13, 2011 33 comments

O noua tragedie zguduie Constanta. Giuseppe Finocchio, cetatean italian in varsat de 58 de ani, si-a injunghiat sotia, Felicia Piron (35 de ani), cu un cutit in sold, dupa care si-a luat in brate copilul de numai un an si jumatate si s-a aruncat de la etajul noua. Barbatul a murit pe loc in urma impactului cu solul, in vreme ce micutul se afla internat in stare grava la spital, fiind in coma profunda, sansele de supravietuire fiind minime. Femeia a fost transportata si ea la spital si este in afara oricarui pericol.

Joi, in jurul orei 17.00, un apel la numarul de urgenta 112 dat de vecini a semnalat faptul ca un barbat s-a aruncat de la etajul noua al unui bloc turn situat pe Bulevardul Tomis, nr. 283.

Sositi de urgenta la fata locului, medicii au constatat ca italianul a decedat, avand grave traumatisme la nivelul capului si in regiunea cefalica. Copilul era in viata, a fost stabilizat si intubat, insa are un politraumatism major si se afla in stare de coma, la sectia de Reanimare a Spitalului Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Constanta.

Potrivit Politiei, femeia a fost injunghiata in sold, in partea dreapta. Ea este in stare stabila, fiind in afara oricărui pericol.

Din primele cercetari, rezulta ca intre cei doi soti a avut loc o cearta violenta, italianul fiind foarte gelors. El a incercat sa rezolve conflictul prin violenta si si-a injunghiat sotia. Apoi, a invelit copilul intr-o patura si s-a aruncat de la balcon.

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  1. Hortensia Javaux
    #1 Hortensia Javaux 11 April, 2011, 23:10

    Have you already setup a fan page on Facebook ?’;~**

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  2. Marcy Orland
    #2 Marcy Orland 12 April, 2011, 00:44

    I think your blog is getting more and more visitors.*’`,:

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  3. Nicky Heckman
    #3 Nicky Heckman 12 April, 2011, 02:34

    Sometimes, blogging is a bit tiresome specially if you need to update more topics.”`;”.

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  4. Nevada Kittinger
    #4 Nevada Kittinger 12 April, 2011, 04:41

    I would really like you to become a guest poster on my blog.-`~`,

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  5. Gail Cranfield
    #5 Gail Cranfield 12 April, 2011, 08:01

    I love reading your blog because it has very interesting topics.*,’~.

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  6. Dell Childs
    #6 Dell Childs 12 April, 2011, 12:04

    Your blog would increase in ranking if you post more often.::`”‘

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  7. Werner Manolis
    #7 Werner Manolis 12 April, 2011, 14:10

    I would really love to guest post on your blog.~-.;”

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  8. Raphael Tes
    #8 Raphael Tes 12 April, 2011, 15:23

    Well, another blogger already posted a topic like this.~-;*`

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  9. Valentine Haramoto
    #9 Valentine Haramoto 12 April, 2011, 16:01

    I always visit new blog everyday and i found your blog.’:’:’

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  10. Aurora Vitali
    #10 Aurora Vitali 12 April, 2011, 23:37

    The thing i like about your blog is that you always post direct to the point info.’:;~’

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  11. Mayme Lavertu
    #11 Mayme Lavertu 13 April, 2011, 03:08

    I think your blog is getting more and more visitors.`.’:’

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  12. Dee Bergin
    #12 Dee Bergin 13 April, 2011, 14:40

    I always visit new blog everyday and i found your blog.,;:-`

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  13. Bob Schock
    #13 Bob Schock 14 April, 2011, 00:17

    Man that was very entertaining and at the same time informative.*:-~’

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  14. Talitha Lueking
    #14 Talitha Lueking 14 April, 2011, 07:55

    Hi, do you have a facebook fan page for your blog?;,”`,

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  15. Raymonde Knab
    #15 Raymonde Knab 14 April, 2011, 16:22

    Perhaps you should also a put a forum site on your blog to increase reader interaction.;..'”

    Reply this comment
  16. Willette Zemke
    #16 Willette Zemke 14 April, 2011, 20:37

    You can also put a chatbox on your blog for more interactivity among readers.~'”‘”

    Reply this comment
  17. Analisa Ciavardini
    #17 Analisa Ciavardini 14 April, 2011, 21:56

    The thing i like about your blog is that you always post direct to the point info.”‘”~`

    Reply this comment
  18. Celestina Muwwakkil
    #18 Celestina Muwwakkil 14 April, 2011, 22:16

    Oh i really envy the way you post topics, how i wish i could write like that.’:*.:

    Reply this comment
  19. Shae Bittle
    #19 Shae Bittle 15 April, 2011, 00:23

    Perhaps you should update the php server on your webhost, WordPress is kinda slow.;,,`~

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  20. Trista Kulling
    #20 Trista Kulling 15 April, 2011, 15:13

    I just added your RSS Feed on my RSS reader, it is so nice to read your blog.`.-*”

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  21. Oswaldo Kerfien
    #21 Oswaldo Kerfien 16 April, 2011, 01:12

    I bookmared your site a couple of days ago coz your blog impresses me.’.;-“

    Reply this comment
  22. Sharri Ertel
    #22 Sharri Ertel 16 April, 2011, 01:51

    I’m new to your blog and i really appreciate the nice posts and great layout.~”.;.

    Reply this comment
  23. Hunter Squyres
    #23 Hunter Squyres 16 April, 2011, 02:45

    I love reading your blog because it has very interesting topics.,,;”:

    Reply this comment
  24. Tama Dobles
    #24 Tama Dobles 16 April, 2011, 02:57

    Great blog post and nice discussion among the comments.`-*..

    Reply this comment
  25. Jeremiah Featheringham
    #25 Jeremiah Featheringham 16 April, 2011, 06:53

    I always visit new blog everyday and i found your blog.*’*’;

    Reply this comment
  26. Scot Mortimore
    #26 Scot Mortimore 16 April, 2011, 12:00

    You can increase your blog visitors by having a fan page on facebook.,-‘~:

    Reply this comment
  27. Clemente Wilfred
    #27 Clemente Wilfred 17 April, 2011, 03:00

    I’m a blog crazed person and i love to read cool blog like yours.-:-.’

    Reply this comment
  28. Chasity Ozols
    #28 Chasity Ozols 17 April, 2011, 10:36

    I will invite all my friends to your blog, you really got a great blog.`,*”*

    Reply this comment
  29. Rhett Forejt
    #29 Rhett Forejt 17 April, 2011, 12:38

    You can increase your blog visitors by having a fan page on facebook..,:*”

    Reply this comment
  30. Clemente Hislop
    #30 Clemente Hislop 17 April, 2011, 14:12

    A blog like yours should be earning much money from adsense.~’~-*

    Reply this comment
  31. Doloris Parrella
    #31 Doloris Parrella 17 April, 2011, 14:26

    Judging by the way you write, you seem like a professional writer..*,,,

    Reply this comment
  32. Millard Suggitt
    #32 Millard Suggitt 17 April, 2011, 18:41

    I see that you are using WordPress on your blog, wordpress is the best.-;;.`

    Reply this comment
  33. Errol Caponi
    #33 Errol Caponi 17 April, 2011, 20:01

    Hey, what kind of anti-spam plugin do you use for your blog..;`”;

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